You’re about to spend a lot of money. Make sure you don’t cut project management corners.

The discipline of project management uses tools, processes, knowledge, and competencies that, together, ensure your project’s successful completion within a set timeframe.

But all project management services are not created equal. According to, ‘recent productive project management statistics reveal that over 50% of projects fail, with the majority failing due to poor resource planning and inexperienced management among other reasons.’

When you partner with us we offer expert project management and guidance on:

  • How to put together your own project team
  • How to initiate your project set up
  • How to minimise any potential issues, and more.

ISO accredited, experienced project managers

Maximise project success

Get the outcomes and benefits you expect

Minimise project risk and roadblocks

Stay within budget and go-live on time

Fusion5, your ISO 9001 project management partner


Choosing a partner with ISO 9001 Project Management delivery accreditation matters when the failure of your digital transformation project simply isn’t a risk you’re prepared to take.

Achieving ISO 9001 is no small feat. It took us over six months of effort and investment.


ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard of excellence. Gaining accreditation requires commitment, effort, proven experience, and a validated, well-honed project management capability to deliver to expectation. And as ISO 9001 certification demands ongoing auditing and a commitment to continuous improvement, it can’t be taken for granted.

Setting up your business for project success

Practical guide to establishing an effective project team

Download our comprehensive guide to learn how to put together an effective team, and to structure their roles and responsibilities from the outset:

  • How to select the right people for your ideal project team
  • Comprehensive outline of the roles & responsibilities of each team player
  • How Fusion5 can assist you in building an effective project team

Download the guide

Mockup of the Fusion5 Professional Services Establishing Project Team
Fusion5 Professional Services Project Initiation Factsheet

Practical guide to project initiation

In this guide you'll learn how to get your project off to a flying start:

  • Comprehensive guidelines to initiating your project
  • Key components to consider when starting your project 
  • How Fusion5 can assist you in your project initiation journey

Download the guide

Start a conversation with our Project Management team

Great outcomes start with great conversations


Great outcomes start with great conversations

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